

Listing of objects for maglevs on May 2013 :

1. Maglevs

- Lunar Maglev 001 (260.127 - red without glass roof) 
- Lunar Maglev 002 (280.127 - red with glass roof)
- Lunar Maglev 003 (281.127 - great, yellow, glass roof)
- Lunar Maglev 004 (283.127 - great, yellow, 6 containers)
- Lunar Maglev 005 (285.127 - great, yellow, acting like flat car)
- Lunar Maglev 104 (it is the 003 with 3 reactors)
- Lunar Maglev 115 (the 003 with 3 reactors and green color... and shadow)

2. Stations

- Station Maglev Pierreren 001 (25879:1 - for small maglevs)
- Station Maglev Pierreren 002 (25882:1 - for great maglevs)
Both with passengers.
- Station Maglev Pierreren 003 Steelworks 022 WT
(10986:1 - acting like multiple industry station with Lunar Maglev 005)

3.  Tracks

- Maglev 001 Pierreren Track 1 (37986:1 with doors for linking with my lunar objects)
- Maglev 001 Pierreren Track 2 (37987:1 without door)
- Lunar Maglev 005 Curve 25° Pierreren (25797:1 - as tracks 1 and 2 do not allow to turn without a long invisible track)
Don't forget you may use invisible tracks... and it is necesary to use invisible track to join tracks and stations (1 m at least !)

4) Others

- Lunar Maglev 003 Tunnel Pierreren 95 (27995:1 - a tunnel for all my maglevs)
- Lunar Maglev Portal Pierreren 001 (22098:1 - a maglev portal to emit maglevs and receive them... but you need invisible tracks at the two ends if you want it to work, even if the invisible track at back side will have no use, because of maglev structure).

If you think about some objects to be made, send me a mail and I will try to do it. Today our Lunar group has about 600 persons and I believe we can help each others to improve this world !
If you make objects for this world, tell me to put them on this blog for all of us to know them. And don't forget I am French and I don't speak English very well.

And don't forget to see LUNAR STATIONS.


This Lunar Maglev is also an Earth Maglev as you can use it on this world !
It is a maglev running on special tracks (see below),
but also on invisible tracks, acting like a slider, a very nice slider ! Try it !

                                 Lunar Maglev 001
                                   from Pierreren

You can see that it has a running number on left side : 001005.
You can change it on surveyor clicking on ? an so you will have a lot of
individualized maglevs, each one with its running numbers. Like it :

 The 00315, the 003042 and 000255.
But the 00315 shows you that you can put only 1 or 2 numbers ! 

The track is on Trainz : kuid2:427808:37986:1 and 37987:1
Username : Maglev 001 Pierreren track 1 and 2

You have a track with lunar doors to fit with lunar bases and another
without door. As they are of bridge kind, you need invisible track to join
my tracks between them, if you don't want the doors to disappear !
But, you can use invisible tracks, as you prefer.

This nice Lunar Maglev 001 is as fast as a TGV or fast train (I don't know how fast it can run). Perhaps 400 km/h ? Try and tell me !
It can load (and unload, but you need only to use the command load if you don't want to see the doors be opened two times) 194 passengers :

You see the passengers through the windows. Or through the door when it opens.
You better put on surveyor a lot of passengers (with ?), if you want to unload
them at station.

As for the station : kuid2:427808:25879:1
Username : Lunar Station Maglev 001

Two tracks for maglevs and a lot of passengers (you set number on surveyor
clicking on ?). I don't even remember the number of them : 198, I think.
You can put up the station 100 m high ! It is nice on water as here :

As for names, you can change it on config.txt
I will explain next time how to do.

Lunar Maglev 003

This maglev is bigger than the red Lunar Maglev 001 as it is 62 m long
with a diameter of 3.35 m :

It is yellow or orange color with the same characteristics and features :
20 windows, which let to see the passengers inside of the maglev, and
a large glass roof. Then, two animated doors. And the number you can
change clicking on ? in surveyor.
But, inside it is very large :

You have three rows of seats with tables, so it loads 198 persons.

                          Lunar Maglev 003

                          from Pierreren

It is easy to understand that it needs another station, as it is bigger than
the other maglev. So I made another station of the same glass kind :

You can add to this station all kind of building you want. 

                  Station Maglev Pierreren 002
                  kuid2: 427808 : 25882 : 1

Lunar Maglev 004

I  just needed to make a maglev for loading products. But some
people do not want to run a multiple industry station and for them
I made a loaded maglev with 6 Hapag-Lloyd containers :

                              Lunar Maglev 004
                              kuid2 : 427808 : 283 : 127
                              from Pierreren
Lunar Maglev 005
I thought it was so necessary to build a transport maglev for all
products, a freighter :

It can load in a multiple industry station what you want, I mean all
kinds of products you have loaded from TRS. Here, it runs with
12 cars loaded on my station steelworks 022WT... modified to
accept maglevs.
But, I you don't have a mind to run a complicated station, you only click
on ? when taking the maglev on surveyor :

You see, at left the ? when you pick a maglev : you click on it and on the maglev on surveyor and you will have the second picture with all the products you have on your game (loaded by you on TRS or in the game you bought) ; you click on the product you want to load on your maglev and you set the number of each, but only 6 big containers (kind load 0) or 12 smaller products (kind load 1) as cars, tanks..., 48 of general goods (kind load 2) and seat cars (kind load 3), as they are made on wrong direction and need their own place. You can mixt up them as in this picture.

Now, the maglev will run with these products.
If you put it on the saved trains (up at right of the first picture,
you click on this symbol right here), you will have it on your portal with
the products you want to have.

In this Maglev 005, I made a better driver cabin :

Station Maglev Pierreren 003 Sleelworks 022 WT

And I modified the Station Steelworks 022 WT (as it is the most downloaded of my stations !) to
adapt it to the freight maglevs :

Station Maglev Pierreren 003 Sleelworks 022 WT
kuid2 : 427808 : 10986 : 1
from Pierreren

Click here to see how it works !

Lunar Maglev 003 Tunnel Pierreren 95

kuid2 : 427808 : 27995 : 1

You see the entry of tunnel with a great maglev.

You see the tunnel. You have to add at both ends invisible tracks.
Here, I put my track 2 (its invisible track appears in red on surveyor
and becomes blue if you add an invisible blue track as I use to do.
I put also a curve just after the exit of tunnel.

Lunar Maglev Portal Pierreren 001
kuid2 : 427808 : 22098 : 1

You see the red arrow, where you have to join an invisible track (the same thing at the
other side of portal). This invisible track will be connected to track 2 (or track 1) and curve or
you may let it as your tracks, and you will have nice sliders.
The portal is to be organized in surveyor by clicking on "?" and over it. It is like other portals (except the invisible track at its back). You can emit maglevs or receive them.
If you want to keep "running numbers", you better put all your maglevs on surveyor with they
running numbers and make them to go to the portal... and come back from another portal (or from the same portal).

and here to see the LUNAR STATIONS