

The TAF, “Tren Automotor FIAT”

Renfe Serie 595 (old Serie 9500)

1952 - 1980

The TAF, “Tren Automotor FIAT”, of Italian origin, were commissioned by the Renfe between 1952 and 1954. The 2nd serie have air conditioning (with a raised roof) and aerodynamic front. They were used for long distance route. The units were built by Fiat, the engines developed 505 Hp (575 HP in the standard with air conditioning) and a maximum speed of 120km / h. They had a silver color, like others Spanish trains of this time, but here you have the the two tones of blue used since 1968 (you can click on all pictures to enlarge them !).

                  Train TAF in Navalmoral station

The first TAF arrived from Italia in Barcelona on April 23, 1952. On June, they began to run between Madrid and Barcelona, having two motor cars at the ends and an intermediate trailer car. It was possible to separate the train into two parts, each one with a motor car to provide commercial services in "Y" ways, such as Madrid to Gijón and Santander, whose cars are uncoupled in Palencia, or Madrid to Valencia and Alicante, for which the maneuver was done in La Encina. The TAF accounted for a huge leap in the comfort of rail travel in Spain, as the latest trains had air conditioning.

From 1968, they began to lose its distinctive silver colors for the two tones of blue of the TER. The last TAF in commercial service in Renfe ran on September 28, 1980, from Sevilla to Huelva. The “Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses” had identical trains, supplied by FIAT, that functioned more or less at the same time and were baptized as "Foguet" (Rockets).

If you want to download the TAF go to :


and click on Trainsim

Serie 597 (9700 according to the old RENFE numbering)

TER (Tren Español Rápido)

1965 – 1995

Tren TER Serie 597 - Tren TER "Regionales" - Tren TER "Payaso"

Following the success of the TAF, a decade later, RENFE purchased the TAR (Tren Automotor Rápido, first name of the TER) in 1962. Serie 597 (9700 according to the old RENFE numbering), better known as the TER train (Tren Español Rápido or Spanish Fast Train) is a diesel train which began operating in 1965 and ended its life in the mid 1990's.

Two TER waiting in Navalmoral station !

The basic unit consists of a motor car and a trailer with cab, while the train is designed for running two coupled single units (four cars in total), allocating to it an intercom door at either end. You can see the junction here with the doors opened :

The motor car is composed of 2nd class and a van, the engine and transmission are placed under the floor, with the bogie of the rear (next to the trailer) which makes traction.

The trailer car is equipped of Class 1 and cafeteria, with the generator that supplies power and air conditioning under the floor. Here you can see the 2nd class and "el tio Fulano" with his paper.

The original numbering serie goes from 9701 to 9760 and subsequently was adopted the international numbering (n° UIC 1971) 597.001 to 597.060. The last digit is the hundreds of nominal vehicle power (775 hp).

597-001-7 to 597-004-1 (9701 to 9704) from FIAT (1964)

597-005-8 to 597-016-5 (9705 to 9716) from FIAT (1964)

597-017-3 to 597-030-6 (9717 to 9730) from CAF (1965)

597-031-4 to 597-060-3 (9731 to 9760) from CAF (1966)

Here, you can see the 597-029-8 from Trainz (IberTrainz). At right, the 597-28-

At first, the TER replaces the TAF in most noble services, passing it to perform secondary or regional services. Since 1972, the new "electrotrenes" (serie 432) eliminated the TER on electrified line services like Madrid - Gijón. The TER was also on some international services, like Madrid - Lisbon, between 1967 and 1989, but was replaced by a Talgo III.

Here, some passengers in the 597-29-8. May be you can see yourself during a trip on Navalmoral !

Since 1985, the 597 received new disc brakes and in the eighties their windshields were reduced in size. Other changes were made with the yellow stripe painted on the windows in first class, and at the end of their life, some units were painted with orange and white, colors of the Unidad de Negocio de Regionales.


You can see at left the front side of the TER (597-099-0) and at right the back side (597-036-3), where the door is automatically opened when you link two units like you can see above. In Trainz the motor unit is always named "M" and the other "Rc". If you joint M-Rc-Rc-M, you will see two kinds of junction between the cars. The different colors of cars below are due to the fact that the left car is a "weathered" unit. In Trainz, you can load weathered and new units of TER and "regionales"... and the n° 28 and 29. In fact, you download it in IberTrainz. Click on the link above (locomotives) and on IberTrainz.

The last journey made by a TER took place on January 16, 1995, between the towns of Madrid and Cuenca, by the 597-052. Soon after, other units are sold to Argentina, the rest are dismantled in Arrigorriaga, but three that remain today.

TALGO (1964 - 2009)

TALGO (Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol), por su diseñador Alejandro Goicoechea y su mecenas José Luis Oriol Urigüen en 1942.

Del Talgo III RD (Rodadura Desplazable), existe una única rama en servicio entre Barcelona y Montpelier. El Talgo III RD fue el primer tren capaz de circular por vías de diferente ancho sin cambiar de ejes. El primer servicio lo realizó con una locomotora 2000 T, en la relación Madrid-Barcelona , en agosto de 1964. La composición de un Talgo III con una locomotora 2000 T alcanzó los 200 km/h por primera vez en España, en el tramo de Sevilla-Los Rosales en Junio de 1966. Se inauguró la línea directa Madrid-Paris con un Talgo III en 1968 sin trasbordo de pasajeros en la frontera, arrastrado por la locomotora “Virgen de Lourdes”.

Talgo (Light Articulated Train Goicoechea Oriol), by its designer Alejandro Goicoechea and José Luis Oriol Urigüen (1942).

Talgo III RD (RD means with variable gauge) has a single line service between Barcelona in Spain and Montpelier in France.Talgo III was the first train to travel on tracks of different widths without changing bogies. The first service was carried out with a locomotive 2000 T between Madrid and Barcelona, in August 1964. The Talgo III with a 2000 T locomotive reached 200 km / h for the first time in Spain between Sevilla and Los Rosales in June 1966

The direct line Madrid-Paris with a Talgo III was opened in 1968 without transfer of passengers at the border, drawn by the locomotive "Our Lady of Lourdes".

The Talgo RD TEE from Trainz with a locomotive Renfe 276

(on TRS, you have to download the Renfe 276, the "furgon generador" (first and last cars), the "primera" class car, the "segunda" class car and the "bar" car. 

Un tren Talgo se diferencia de los demás con tan sólo mirarlo con atención, la altura de la composición es inferior a la del resto, son coches más cortos y no hay una diferenciación clara de un coche con otro. 222 Km/h por primera vez en España son alcanzados con una composición de Talgo III con la “Virgen de la Bien Aparecida” a la cabeza en 1972 entre Madrid-Barcelona. Composiciones más bajas implica un centro de gravedad más bajo, lo que nos lleva a una mayor estabilidad. El último servicio de Talgo III realizó el 26 de julio de 2009 al desaparecer la ruta que realizaba con el nombre de “Miguel de Unamuno”.

Talgo train differs from others by simply looking at it closely, the height of the composition is less than the rest, cars are shorter and there is no clear differentiation between two cars. 222 km / h for the first time in Spain are made with a composition of Talgo III with the "Virgen de la Bien Aparecida" in 1972 between Madrid and Barcelona. A lower center of gravity leads to greater stability. The last service of Talgo III held on July 26, 2009 with the disappearance of the route carried out under the name of "Miguel de Unamuno".

Above, the last car (furgón regenerador) and the 1st class (Primera).
And below, a white Talgo.